Urban Jungles
Development of social enterprise ThuisBaas
Energy-neutral retrofitting
of existing dwellings
Co-Founder/Operations Director (2015-2020)
ThuisBaas works specifically on making existing dwellings energy neutral. Our approach focuses on relieving residents of their worries. That is why we make your home energy neutral from A to Z. We draw up a plan and implement it, including the associated guarantees.

Zon Op Zorg
As many nursing homes in the Netherlands as possible covered with solar panels through crowdfunding
Creator and developer
Together with crowdfunding platform ZonnepanelenDelen we started the initiative ZonOpZorg in 2015 to provide as many nursing homes in the Netherlands as possible with solar panels. ZonOpZorg relieves the burden on the care institution and makes it possible for everyone to invest in solar panels on the roof. At a return of 3 to 5.5% per year on the investment and full cashback after 15 years.

Energybattle for Nursing homes
Nursing homes compete against each other and themselves to save as much energy as possible
Development, design and implementation
In 2012, together with Meneer de Leeuw, we started the Energy Battle Nursing Homes . More than seventy nursing homes throughout the Netherlands have now participated. Nursing homes save an average of 10-15% on their energy bill during the Energy Battle – in the winter months. All this while maintaining comfort and without (large) investments.

New Energy Docks
The Amsterdam incubator for starting entrepreneurs in sustainability
Design and execution (2010-2012)
New Energy Docks was founded by the municipality of Amsterdam, knowledge institutions and a number of companies united in the Kenniskring Amsterdam. It consists of a NEDworkcentre and a Business Incubator. The interaction between knowledge and entrepreneurship leads to innovations and makes market opportunities concrete.

Architecture 4 Kids
Large one-day architecture workshops for children from 7 to 12
Designer, organizer execution (2007-2010)
In 2007 we organized Construint a la Sala for the first time in Barcelona. In 2010 Construyendo en el Konex followed in Buenos Aires.